Easy foam rolling and self myofascial release practices so you can locate and release the exact location of tension causing your pain or immobility, and do it yourself. No more wasting time and money seeing therapists or waiting to get help when you have a problem. You can fix it yourself! (Balls are required for this part. You have the option to provide your own or purchase a few basic balls for the series.)
This Back Care series is perfect for anyone experiencing back pain or anyone wanting to learn skills to keep this area moving freely without pain.
In the series we will address:
pain in the low back
ache in the sacro-iliac (SI) joint
pain when standing or getting up to stand from sitting
gripping electric pain at SI joint
deep ache in the buttocks
ache in the low back when sitting
ache in the mid back when sitting
difficulty sitting up straight without pain
Access to the course membership site with all of your classes and an ebook. No need to attend a live class. You can now fast forward and rewind through as much as you want.
You receive an Ebook with anatomy lessons and information on trigger point and pain referral patterns to understand your back further and support your experience in the class.
Targeted stretching so you can open up the short and stuck places in your body. You will know exactly where and how to stretch without wasting time on things that may make you feel worse or not help at all.
Movement breaks that you can incorporate throughout your day so you can free up your joints and easily gain more strength and mobility. These short breaks make it so that you don’t have to spend an hour every day on physical therapy exercises and you will move and feel much better!
Simple practices to build balanced strength in the muscles of the back and those that affect it.
Proven breathing practices that soften the entire nervous system so you can release tension through the whole body making you more relaxed and calm and reducing pain and tension.
This course series uses therapy balls for the self trigger point release work. The toolkit needed is the FreeBody RADRoller 1 Toolkit. The toolkit costs $60 (shipping is free in the US). You will have the option to purchase at the time of checkout. Check out the toolkit and see if you've got what you need. If you have balls similar to the ones listed, you may be able to use your own tools. I have many repeat students who use the same toolkit for years. This simple set of tools and the skills you will learn from this course are game changers. Truly!