LIVE IN-Person CE Class
Are you looking for great shoulder, arm, and hand techniques that are simple to use, your clients will love, and are easy on your body? Of course!
Join FreeBody's guide to AWESOME techniques for the shoulder, arm, and hand. You will learn how to soften and soothe the general area around the shoulders, the upper arms, and some wonderful hand techniques. We will also cover key trigger points that unlock movement and get your clients out of pain.
Sunday, October 26, 2025
10:00am-6:00pm EST
7 CEs for Massage Therapists
Convenient West Asheville location
Helping you BE THE BEST
you can be
Why choose FreeBody trainings?
My teaching methods go beyond showing you anatomy and demonstrating techniques. Learn how to work smarter, with the client's body and nervous system, so that both you and your client have an optimal experience every single time. This year is my 32 year as a massage therapist, and my 20th year teaching CEs. I love it. And you'll feel that in every one of my classes.
Be inspired!
Awesome Techniques Class includes:
7 CEs through NCBTMB
A great way to end the CE season! Get some excellent shoulder, arm, and hand massage for yourself while learning these awesome techniques.
Here's some of what we will do:
What you'll get in an "Awesome Massage" class...
About the "Awesome" Series
Each class = 7 CEs NCBTMB
In each of the Awesome Massage Techniques workshops, you will learn time-tested skills from a well-loved veteran massage therapist. Cat has been a bodyworker for over 30 years and has worked with tens of thousands of humans over her career. Considered a master massage therapist, Cat is known as an effective trigger point therapist who helps people get out of pain. And what SHE knows about THAT is that you have to have a whole lot of good-feeling, soothing, awesome techniques to blend with the trigger point work or your client will leave feeling sore and unhappy. She is now offering you the opportunity to learn valuable strokes that will go along with any type of massage work that you are currently doing. Consider it an upgrade to your toolbox. These are super skills any massage therapist can put into practice, and your clients will love. One of Cat’s most popular offerings is called “Ridiculously Awesome Massage” for a reason.
Each class = 7 CEs through NCBTMB
Provider #452039-12
NC LMBT #1080, NCBTMB Provider #452039-12
Cat Matlock is the founder, lead therapist, and instructor at Free Body Trigger Point Massage Clinic and Training Center in Asheville, NC. She has worked with tens of thousands of clients and students. Since 1993, Cat has continuously studied the body and mind (and heart), developing her methods of addressing dysfunction, injury, and chronic pain. Her work in rooted in Trigger Point Therapy and a strong belief in the essential practice of working with the nervous system to gain access to the muscles and connective tissues.
Cat is a Trauma Informed Yoga Therapist™, an instructor of Overcoming Anxiety™, and a longtime practitioner of yoga and meditation. She began instructing yoga in 2001 and instructing massage therapy in 2005. She expertly weaves in her knowledge of the nervous system and vagal tone (essentially, being able to handle difficult things more easily) with her anatomical and precise trigger point location skills.
This course is amazing! I'm excited to try out my new skills & awareness on my clients.
Cat Matlock is a genius!
Guidance and instruction was fantastic. BEST CLASS I've taken in a long time!
You're amazing! I love taking your classes and learning from such an experienced, excellent, &
brilliant instructor. Thank you for all the wisdom you've shared and for your undying enthusiasm to help others out of pain and into freedom!
Cat is a wonderful source of knowledge and she knows how to present the material in a way that is easy to understand
Awesome Neck Techniques -
Live In-person Class
Sunday, October 26, 2025
10:00am-6:00pm EST
Excellent Training. Small class size.
Individual attention.
Only $180 7 CEs
About NCBTMB CEs...
For your convenience, here is a list of states that accept NCBTMB continuing education hours.
*AL, AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, and FL, HI, ID, IA, KS, KE, ME, MD and MT, MA, MI, MN, NE, NV, NH, and NJ, NM, NC, ND, OH, OK, and PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, DC, WV, WI, and WY.
* Some of the states above do not require continuing education hours. However, your insurance company may. The laws of each state change continually, so check to make sure no changes have taken place in your home state.